Gynecological office Dr. med. Choon-Kang Walther, gynecologist in Zurich

Various circumstances can lead to an unwanted pregnancy and place women in a difficult situation.

I will be happy to support you in finding the best solution for you.

Praxis Dr. med. Choon-Kang Walther, Frauenärztin in Zürich,

My offer in the gynecological office

To guarantee a high-quality medical care for unwanted pregnant women is a matter of concern to me. As an alternative to hospital treatment, I offer an understanding care within the intimate framework of the gynecological office setting. My advice is absolutely value-neutral and does not exclusively favor an abortion. Your only contact persons are my assistant and I; from the first telephone contact to the consultation and aftercare.

Appointments can only be made by phone

The telephone of the gynecological office 044 552 66 60 is operated daily from 9.00 to 17.00 hours.

Medical abortion

We perform a medical abortion using the One Stop MToP method. A single gynecological office consultation is usually sufficient. 2 days after the consultation you are at home or at a place of your choice for the second part of the treatment. You should not go to work. If necessary, we will gladly issue you a certificate of incapacity for work. During the day you can reach us by phone every day. In the first 7 weeks after the beginning of the last menstruation, treatment with Mifegyne® and Cytotec® is the method of choice.

Surgical abortion

Using the surgical aspiration method, abortion can usually be performed on an ambulant basis in our gynecological office until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy.
In the case of advanced pregnancies after 12 weeks of pregnancy, the intervention is possible for urgent reasons. We perform the operation until the end of the 14th week of pregnancy. If the pregnancy is older than 14 weeks, we can provide you other contact points for an abortion.

Pregnancy calculator

Please enter the 1st day of the last menstruation



Enter the date of the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP):


Probable date of conception:


Foetal Age Today:


Deadlines and methods for abortion

prior to 5 weeks of pregnancy

An individual examination is necessary

until the 7th week of pregnancy

Medical treatment with the Mifegyne® abortion pill is the method of choice

from the 7th week of pregnancy

We recommend the aspiration method

from week 12-14 of pregnancy

We perform the aspiration method in case of urgent reasons

from week 14 of pregnancy

Abortions over 14 weeks of pregnancy are hardly possible in Switzerland anymore

For pregnancies after 14 weeks of pregnancy, we have to refer you to addresses outside Switzerland, usually to the Netherlands. There, abortions are performed by surgery up to 22 weeks of pregnancy. The costs are not covered by health insurance.

What do you need to bring?

  • Blood group identity card and blood group card on paper or electronically (e.g. as photo)

  • Current health insurance card or a valid identity card

  • Possibly a down payment (cash or with card, Postcard is not possible)

I work together with the following doctors

As the exact treatment procedure differs from doctor to doctor, please ask directly at the respective doctor’s office. With both doctors, the pregnancy must be visible before the medication is administered.
Ladies Permanence Stadelhofen (LPS)

13 gynecologists

In the team of 13 gynecologists of all ages, Dr. Walther has been working since 2018. In December 2020, the LPS was newly opened. You can expect a modern facility with patient-friendly opening hours (open daily, including weekends, walk-in service, online appointments) and a well-coordinated team.

Heini Diggelmann

Allgemeine Medizin FMH Gemeinschaftspraxis Felsenrain Schaffhauserstrasse 432, 8050 Zürich

Dr. Diggelmann has many years of experience in the performance of medicinal and surgical abortions. Surgical abortions. The treatment takes place in the trusting environment of his double medical practice.

About the history of the medical office

My predecessor Dr. med. A. Seidenberg has performed surgical abortions since 1997.
In 1999 the abortion pill Mifegyne was introduced. Since then he has also performed medical abortions. During the time of our cooperation, I was able to learn a lot thanks to his many years of experience. I now share this knowledge with my patients.
In May 2018, Dr. med. André Seidenberg retired. His medical activities have been integrated into my own gynecological office and I am continuing this in his name. I would like to express my sincere thanks for his professional support and many years of commitment to unwanted pregnancy.