Maybe you’re unsure about how to proceed. Would you like to continue or terminate your pregnancy? Make your decision calmly and perhaps not immediately. Take the time you need. In the case of hasty actions, you may reproach yourself later. Pay attention to your own feelings. Do not let yourself be tormented or influenced by people who do not help you and cannot assume your responsibility. Do not allow yourself to feel guilty about half-truths told by other people. If you need support later, these people are often not there for you.
Making the right decision
It is important for you to come to a clear decision. If you are unsure, you are welcome to come for a consultation. The consultation is value-neutral and not just in favor of abortion. Dr. Walther also accompanies pregnant women in her medical office and can give you all the necessary information about pregnancy and childbirth. Some women even stayed with her after the consultation for the pregnancy checks. Experience has shown that it does not help to postpone the decision again and again, it is better to set yourself a deadline.
We discuss the risks, side effects and alternatives. According to the law, you declare your distress by signing and giving the order to terminate the pregnancy. We will only carry out an abortion if you are able to express your wish decisively. Otherwise, we will offer you an appointment a few days later. If you change your mind, it is possible at any time to cancel agreed follow-up appointments, even on the day of the follow-up appointment. There are no additional costs for you.
Carry the birth
If you decide to have your pregnancy carried out before starting treatment, we recommend that you have an ultrasound examination done soon, either by us or by a gynecologist of your choice, to determine the correct development and age of the pregnancy. If you need advice or a consultation, we are always there for you and can help you elsewhere. By law, we are obliged to provide you with a list of official counselling centers.
Please call us
It is important that you make the right decision for yourself. You will have to live with your decision. We can advise you, but you make the decision.
At the moment a pregnancy just doesn't fit. I am still undergoing education and have no money. What are the consequences of an abortion? After an abortion, can I get pregnant again later?
Since I know about the pregnancy, I am not well at all. I can't sleep anymore. My boyfriend broke up with me when he found out about the pregnancy. In fact, I am against abortions, but I can't imagine taking care of a child alone. What should I do?
If you decide to have an abortion, I suggest that you use safe contraception, as it is obviously difficult for you to make a decision.