The medical secrecy obliges us to be completely discreet towards other persons, e.g. also towards your parents, and towards all institutions, e.g. the health insurance companies. Of course, we will not pass on any information without your express request, even to close relatives such as parents or partners. According to the law, abortion must be reported anonymously (without naming) to the cantonal physician. This means that you are not registered by name by the state.
As you will be able to discuss exactly with us whether someone will receive information or not, we can guarantee you full discretion. You have full control over your data. In a large institution, such as a hospital, this control cannot always be guaranteed. For example, the laboratory could send the blood group card home by post, although you have expressly requested notification by email.
The medical secret is also referred to in the Criminal Code as medical professional secrecy or medical secrecy.
The physician’s duty of confidentiality is based on the treatment contract between the patient and the physician and is regulated in the Swiss Penal Code (Art. 321 StGB).
Confidentiality of the health insurance companies: The health insurance companies must also keep confidentiality for young and very young women, including minors and women under the age of 16, if the women explicitly wish this. In most cases, the health insurance company sends a statement of the services performed to the person who pays the health insurance premium. In the case of young people, this is usually the parents. This can lead to problems. Turn to “Lust und Frust“. There are situations where further solutions are needed, such as anonymising data or entering a different billing address. Such questions must be discussed with your health insurance company prior to medical treatment.
As the procedure is different for each health insurance company, an individual solution is needed. We will be happy to help you.
The covering of costs respectively the reimbursement by the obligatory health insurance for services in connection with an unpunished termination of pregnancy is regulated by the Federal Act on Health Insurance (Art. 30 KVG).
For information processed by the health insurance company, confidentiality is regulated in the general part of the Social Insurance Act (ATSG), in the Data Protection Act (DSG) and in the Health Insurance Act (KVG). All employees of the health insurance company are bound by confidentiality.