After a medical abortion, precautions are taken to protect against infection. A follow-up check is also necessary.
After the heavy bleeding has subsided, a 7-14 day (rarely longer) period of heavy menstrual bleeding is to be expected.
After treatment with the abortion pill, there is a risk of inflammation. You should not insert anything into the vagina until after the end of the bleeding and for another 3 days, as the cervix may still be a little open:
- Use tampons instead of bandages.
- Take a shower and / or wash yourself externally. No full bath. No swimming pool visits.
- No sauna sessions.
- Avoid sexual intercourse with penetration of the male penis into your vagina.
With the One Stop MToP method you carry out the post-abortion check after the abortion exactly 2 weeks after the application of Cytotec®. You will receive a special urine test (CheckToP®). This test shows a positive result if the pregnancy hormone (=Beta-HCG) is higher than 1000 units. If the CheckToP® test is positive, you must come back to us again, as this indicates an incomplete, unsuccessful abortion. This occurs in 2-4% of all treatments.