Abortion prior to 5 weeks

The amniotic sac is so small in a pregnancy prior to 5 weeks that it cannot yet be visualized by ultrasound. The risk of ectopic pregnancy cannot be excluded. An abortion prior to 5 weeks can be performed at your clear request.

In an early pregnancy (prior to 5 weeks of pregnancy), the amniotic sac is not yet visible in the uterus. It is possible that the pregnancy is somewhat younger than expected. In rare cases (1-2 in 100 pregnancies), it develops outside the uterus as an ectopic pregnancy. Such a pregnancy is a danger for you as there is a risk of uncontrolled bleeding into the abdominal cavity.

The medication used for abortion (Mifegyne® / Cytotec®) works exclusively on the uterus. An ectopic pregnancy is therefore not influenced by the medication in its growth and could continue to grow and seriously endanger your health.

You can either assure yourself – which involves a waiting period – or terminate your pregnancy immediately. If you wish to have an abortion prior to 5 weeks today (without a waiting period), you have to accept that the location of the pregnancy within the uterus cannot yet be confirmed by ultrasound. There is a small risk of ectopic pregnancy

What happens if I want to have an abortion prior to 5 weeks?

To ensure your safety, additional examinations are essential. If the treatment works, the pregnancy hormone (Beta-HCG) in the blood will decrease. 2 blood values are necessary. The 1st blood sample is taken today when the medicament Mifegyne® is administered. The 2nd blood sample must be taken one week later. So you have to come to the medical office again in one week.

If the measurement value of the available pregnancy hormone is already very high today or increases in the next blood sample or does not clearly decrease, this is not an early pregnancy. Our treatment today cannot be treated like an abortion prior to 5 weeks. Follow-up checks are necessary.
An ectopic pregnancy is possible. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, Dr. Walther will refer you to a hospital for further treatment.

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