Due to the increase in the size of the amniotic sac, the symptoms (heavy bleeding, pain) tend to increase during a medical abortion. We therefore recommend the surgical abortion from 7+0 weeks of pregnancy (suction curettage, aspiration method).
The surgical abortion is gentle and yet thorough. In medical terms, this is called suction curettage. It is performed between 7 and 12 weeks of pregnancy (in exceptional cases up to 14 weeks of pregnancy). As the amniotic sac is too small before 7 weeks, the success of the surgical abortion cannot be monitored by ultrasound. We therefore perform surgical abortions only after 7 weeks of pregnancy.
The surgical method requires preparatory medication several hours before the procedure. Under local anesthesia and with additional painkillers (strong opiates) through the vein, the uterine orifice is opened to 9 mm (more after the 10th week) with fine and gradually wider pins (dilatation). Then the mucous membrane and thus the fruit can be sucked out with a 6-8 mm thick tube (from the 10th week, possibly 10-13 mm).