During the preliminary examination, the week of pregnancy is determined by ultrasound after the medical consultation before a surgical abortion can be performed.
The female doctor asks for risks regarding treatment and data on current and possible previous pregnancies, for example allergies to local anesthetics. Urine and blood are analyzed during the preliminary examination. Your blood group must be known, otherwise you will receive the drug Rhophylac® (preventive antibodies which are important for women with a rhesus-negative blood group; cost: 100 CHF). If you do not know your blood group, it can be determined before the surgery.
In the 2nd part of the preliminary examination, the position and size of the fruit are determined with the vaginal ultrasound probe. For the surgical method, the embryo should be at least 10 mm in size, then the pregnancy is older than 49 days. For younger pregnancies, we recommend a medical treatment.
The female doctor must be sure that you clearly want an abortion. She will inform you in detail about the procedure of the surgical method. According to the law, you must declare your emergency situation and give us the order to terminate the pregnancy by signing it. We will then arrange the next possible appointment with you. Surgical abortions will be performed on Thursday afternoon. If you wish, the preliminary consultation can be held on Thursday morning to save you a second journey.
As you are unplanned pregnant, contraception (anti-conception) is an important topic in consultation hours. We will inform you about safe contraceptive methods. Please ask any questions you may have and we will be happy to answer them. In the case of a surgical abortion, a Kyleena® or Mirena® spiral can be inserted immediately after the procedure. This is a very safe form of contraception.