The surgical intervention for abortion is also called suction curettage. Before the procedure, you should consider a few important points.
Surgical intervention
Strong painkillers can impair the ability to drive after the operation. You are not allowed to drive a vehicle. Please bear this in mind when you arrive.
Preparatory medication
These make the cervix soft and facilitate the procedure. You will normally receive Mifegyne® (Mifepristone 200 mg) 24 hours before the procedure. If the preliminary examination and the procedure take place on the same day, you will receive 2 tablets of Cytotec® 200 mg each 4 hours before the procedure, which you insert as deeply as possible into the vagina.
You should not eat anything for at least 4 hours before the intervention . Drinking is possible up to 2 hours before the intervention (water, tea or coffee are allowed).
First we put an infusion on the arm. In this way, we can administer fast-acting medications if necessary. As a preventive measure, you will receive a medication to stabilize your circulation and one against nausea. We do an ultrasound. The female doctor will disinfect the vagina and feel the uterus position. After disinfection, the sterile instruments are unpacked.
For surgical abortion we use the suction method. It is gentle and yet thorough. The pain therapy is carried out by local anesthesia of the cervix. Additional strong painkillers (opiates) can be administered as required via the vein. The uterine orifice is stretched with fine pins. From the 12th week onwards, larger instruments are needed to stretch the uterus. Then the mucous membrane and thus the fruit can be sucked out of the uterus with a tube. If necessary, the procedure can be checked with ultrasound during the suction. When the uterine lining is sucked out, the uterine muscles contract like a cramp. This pain usually lasts only a short time. If necessary, you will immediately receive effective painkillers via the vein. After suctioning, we use ultrasound to check that the uterus is empty. The doctor waits a few minutes to make sure that there is no increased bleeding and that everything has been aspirated.
If you have opted for a contraceptive method with an IUD, it can now be inserted before the procedure is completed.
Accompanying person
After the operation you must stay with us for at least 1 hour for monitoring. A sensible person at your side is often a help.